Application of Acceptance Sampling Techniques in Manufacturing forging Products

2017 International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology  
Statistical quality control (SQC) is an integral part of the paradigm of quality. Quality control emerges an important role in industrial economy. Acceptance sampling provides criteria and decision rules for determining whether to accept or reject a batch based on a sample. Acceptance sampling is useful for testing the quality of batches of items, especially when a large number of items must be processed in a short time. Acceptance sampling is used for quality assurance and in recent years, it
more » ... as become typical to work with suppliers to improve the process performance. This Paper relates to a case study which describes the application of acceptance sampling in testing of forged product (CONNECTING ROD WITH CAP). This paper discusses the use of acceptance sampling technique as a practical tool for quality assurance applications to decide whether the lot is to be accepted or rejected. This study analyses, the effectiveness in the application of acceptance sampling in manufacturing forging products. The study was conducted using case study methodology at one of the manufacturing company coded name: company A. In the manufacturing environment, quality improves reliability, increases productivity and customer satisfaction. Quality in manufacturing requires the practice of quality control. The term sampling inspection plan, is used when the quality of product is evaluated by inspecting samples rather than by total inspects, which required cost and time Acceptance sampling is also applied together with SPC to get better results of process and product improvement. The case study has shown that quality control implementation in Company A, relies heavily on acceptance sampling.
doi:10.21172/ijiet.81.016 fatcat:75a52i2fqnbzhhwknotalks3ye