*Parallel Computations in Problems of Climate Modeling [chapter]

V. Gloukhov
2004 Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2003  
The paper is focused on different approaches to parallel implementation of climate models on cluster multiprocessors. We present results of applying either MPI or OpenMP to the model components: atmospheric and oceanic blocks. A library of communication routines was developed for the distributed memory approach. It carries out the basic communication operations, such as boundary exchanges and transpositions of decomposed data. The library has quite general interface that makes it useful for
more » ... llelization of a wide range of scientific applications calculated on structured grids. In particular, we have examined it on INM AGCM as well as on a set of atmospheric benchmarks which integrate the equations of hydrothermodynamics of atmosphere under the hydrostatic assumption. An OpenMP implementation of the INM Ocean model has been undertaken and tested on few shared memory systems. * Supported by the INTAS projects 00-189, 01-2132 and RFBR projects 01-05-64150a, 03-05-64358a.
doi:10.1016/b978-044451612-1/50038-x fatcat:ll4prtmu7zh6rnzghfg65wrupq