A Technical-economic Analysis of Wood Gasification for Decentralized Power Generation in Colombian Forest Cores

2018 International Journal of Renewable Energy Research  
This work presents a technical-economic analysis of several biomass gasification-based power plants for decentralized generation. The major aim is to make a preliminary evaluation of their feasibility in the Colombian context by means of the cost of electricity (COE). The analysis was conducted using information provided directly by power plant manufacturers from four continents (Africa, America, Asia, and Europe). A silvicultural analysis of the major commercial forest plantations in Colombia
more » ... llowed to determine suitable forest crops for energy projects, with energy potentials ranging from 500 kWe to 2000 kWe. Results from the study show that COE varies from 10.2 cUSD/kWe-h to 40.8 cUSD/kWe-h, depending on the technology used. For lower cost plants, the share of investment cost in COE is of 45-50%, whereas for more expensive technologies it is of 63-67%. The methodology used provides technical, economic, and energy support to make informed decisions regarding the best technology for small-medium power applications using biomass.
doi:10.20508/ijrer.v8i2.6936.g7418 fatcat:5zcc6ytxazhdtdjopbtjouqht4