An Architecture Concept for Mobile P2P File Sharing Services

Frank-Uwe Andersen, Hermann de Meer, Ivan Dedinski, Cornelia Kappler, Andreas Mäder, Jens O. Oberender, Kurt Tutschku
2004 Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik  
File-sharing in mobile networks has differing demands to a P2P architecture. Resource access and mediation techniques must follow constraints given in 2.5G/3G networks. Enhancing the eDonkey protocol, we reconcile decentralized operation with traffic control. Requirements for Mobile P2P File Sharing Services P2P systems in mobile environments face multiple challanges: highly varying onlinestate (presence), hierarchical network structure, and limited device capabilities. Network operators desire
more » ... traffic control while preserving the experience of wired P2P.
dblp:conf/gi/AndersenMDKMOT04 fatcat:h2gco3ir2nhibnhiuouxy2qkre