Teaching Accessibility in a Technology Design Course

Kristen Shinohara, Cynthia L. Bennett, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Wanda Pratt
2017 International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning  
The goal of college computer science and informatics design curricula is to prepare the next generation of technology designers. While accessibility is considered important for disabled users, it is treated as a niche or stigmatized subdomain of technology design. As a result, traditional computer science and informatics curricula do not expose students to diverse user needs, and students transition to the workforce unaware of the importance of accessibility. We incorporated accessibility in a
more » ... esign thinking course and observed student learning. We sought to challenge accessibility as niche, learn methods and barriers for including accessibility in the curricula, and identify impact on student learning. We found that students grasped general design concepts while designing for disabled and nondisabled users, and they faced challenges designing for both populations in concert. Contributions include insights for future accessibility and design courses and challenges facilitating accessible user-centered design process.
dblp:conf/cscl/ShinoharaBWP17 fatcat:jp63expd55dcre75xynzzld7ga