Historische Bücher in historischen Räumen – am Beispiel des Augustinerlesesaals der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek

Andreas Fingernagel
2010 BIBLIOTHEK Forschung und Praxis  
Historic Books in Historic Rooms -The Example of the Augustinian Reading Room of the Austrian National Library The reading room of the Augustinian-monastery, part of the Austrian National Library, can look back to an eventful history. In 1775 the baroque reading room of the monastery became more or less the actual appearance. 1830 it was part of the Royal Court Library and was used in different ways. On the occasion of the founding of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books in the year
more » ... the reading room was adapted for this special function.
doi:10.1515/bfup.2010.048 fatcat:b2y45tahf5bvxn72fkybcr7n5q