Evaluation of the Maternal & Perinatal Outcome in Abruptio Placentae in Reference to Coagulation Profile

Satinderpal Kaur, Manjit Kaur Mohi, Mandeep Kaur Khagura, Gursimran Kaur Mohi
2017 Annals of International medical and Dental Research  
Maternal mortality is an important indicator of a woman's health. Even though MMR has reduced dramatically death from hemorrhage remains prominent even in developed countries. Abruptio placentae is an acute obstetrical emergency. Methods: This study was done in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Government Medical College and Rajindra Hospital Patiala to assess clinical and coagulation profile of patients presenting with abruptio placentae and analyze maternal and fetal outcome.
more » ... A total of 73 patients with abruptio placentae were studied, giving an incidence of 3.09%.Of these 76.7% patients were in the age group of 21-30 years. (60%) were either nulliparous or primiparous. (65.75%) patients belonged to rural area with no regular antenatal checkup. The 90.41% patients belong to lower socio-economic status and 56% were iIIiterate. The mean gestational age in our study was 34.5 weeks and classical presentation of bleeding per vaginum associated with pain was seen in 54.7%. Most common associated risk factor found to be hypertension (58.9%), followed by PROM (13.7%) and trauma (2.74%). Conclusion: The main complications observed were shock, DIC and PPH. There was only one maternal death in our series; Mode of delivery was Vaginal in 53 Cases (72.60%) and LSCS in 20 (27.40%) Perinatal mortality was observed in 40 patients (54.79%).
doi:10.21276/aimdr.2018.4.1.og4 fatcat:24syptjszrdelkzws4zhaot5ai