Necrotizing Fasciitis: a Clinical Case and a Review of the Literature

Ivanka Danchova Temelkova, Yordan Stoyanov Milev, Zhasmina Krasimirova Garkova, Tsveta Ivanova Kalinova, Zhenya Krasimirova Dimitrova, Bogdana Dimitrova Ivanova, Jana Stoyanova Kazandjieva, Sonya Stoyanova Márina
2020 Serbian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology  
Necrotizing fasciitis is a soft tissue, life-threatening infection with a fulminant and often fatal course. Early diagnosis is usually delayed as the onset of the disease is often masked in the form of erysipelas or cellulite. The condition is characterized by necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and underlying fascia. We describe a case of a 42-year-old man with a complaint of erythema, fever and severe pain in his right leg 4 days before hospitalization. The patient was admitted and
more » ... ed with a diagnosis of erysipelas. A few hours after admission, in connection with a drastic deterioration in the general condition and dermatological status, he was transferred to a purulentseptic ward with a fulminant picture of necrotizing fasciitis. Debridement and fasciotomy were performed successfully and timely. Good prognosis and survival in patients with NF correlate directly with the complex of measures. Appropriate antibiotics and intensive general support avoid massive systemic diffusion. Early and adequate surgical debridement and fasciotomy are associated with improved survival.
doi:10.2478/sjdv-2020-0017 fatcat:msicklxvpjfg5am5rr6ekyb4we