Generation of magnetic seed fields in self-gravitating protogalactic clouds

G. T. Birk, H. Wiechen, H. Lesch
2002 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
The seed magnetization of protogalaxies can be provided by relative shear flows and collisional friction of the ionized and the neutral fluid components in partially ionized self-gravitating and rotating protogalactic clouds. The gravitational potential of a collapsing protogalactic cloud is the ultimate energy source that partly is converted to magnetic fields and the associated electric currents by collisional momentum transfer in the partially ionized systems. Self-consistent plasma-neutral
more » ... as simulations, that take into account self-gravitation, show that magnetic fields of the order of some 10 −14 G are generated on spatial scales of some 100 pc in about 7 × 10 6 years.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20021026 fatcat:3gnt47nknvdmjdbfnb4s75dypq