English Pedagogical Grammar: Teaching Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous by Deductive and Inductive Approaches

Linlin Liu
2020 Studies in English Language Teaching  
This research endeavor aims to present the English Pedagogical Grammar Teaching, discussing the use and form of the present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses, and the regular verbs' past participle and irregular verbs' past participle. The study is based on two main assumptions that cause difficulties for learners of English, namely, the forms of verbs and the difficulty of distinguishing between the present from the past simple tenses. The study discusses the use of deductive and
more » ... ductive approaches in English pedagogical grammar teaching, and evaluates these approaches from A-factor and E-factor description. Overall results of the analysis show that the deductive and inductive approaches are helpful in language teaching and learning. And the forms of verbs and differences between the present and past simple tense made English learning difficult. By using appropriate teaching methods, English grammar can be taught and learned in an efficient way.
doi:10.22158/selt.v8n3p138 fatcat:gzrr65bwejcdtlpr6nyqqga3pe