Appendix3_EquationsC_online_supp – Supplemental material for Quantifying Positive Health Externalities of Disease Control Interventions: Modeling Chikungunya and Dengue

Anneke L. Claypool, Margaret L. Brandeau, Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert
2019 Figshare  
Supplemental material, Appendix3_EquationsC_online_supp for Quantifying Positive Health Externalities of Disease Control Interventions: Modeling Chikungunya and Dengue by Anneke L. Claypool, Margaret L. Brandeau and Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert in Medical Decision Making
doi:10.25384/sage.10033514 fatcat:bmksbwzxmvechgwyjb6ggbidja