Building Chinese Event Type Paradigm Based on Trigger Clustering

Xiao Ding, Bing Qin, Ting Liu
2013 International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing  
Traditional Event Extraction mainly focuses on event type identification and event participants extraction based on pre-specified event type annotations. However, different domains have different event type paradigms. When transferring to a new domain, we have to build a new event type paradigm. It is a costly task to discover and annotate event types manually. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel approach of building an event type paradigm by clustering event triggers. Based on
more » ... the trigger clusters, the event type paradigm can be built automatically. Experimental results on three different corpora -ACE (small, homogeneous, open corpus), Financial News and Musical News (large scale, specific domain, web corpus) indicate that our method can effectively build an event type paradigm and can be easily adapted to new domains.
dblp:conf/ijcnlp/DingQL13 fatcat:fmsljyd5sze75n4avphca65vqq