The Army's Operational Logistics Doctrine For The Twenty-First Century [report]

Kent S. Marquardt
1999 unpublished
SlmhdFm288 IRw. 2481 NSN 7540.01280.5500 RmiWby ANSI Sld. 13848198402 wm11.m * I: M 100-5, Owrations * I:M 100-7, flecisivc FOB * I;M 100-10, Combat Service Su~port * l:M 100-16, Army Operational Support 'l'he logistics doctrinc contained in these manuals is written for thc combat commander and logistician. Joint and combined logistics doctrine is contained in Joint l'ublication (JP) 4.0, Logistics. This doctrine is useful, but does not specifically address the Army's mission ol'prompt and
more » ... ined land combat. 'l'here is a void. Army doctrine for supporting TO .'characteristic", Thc Random House College Dictionarv, Keviscd Edition, .less
doi:10.21236/ada370319 fatcat:al5lurogqfahliqwnlbswp4vs4