Post-Truth Сoncept: Infodemic Of Aggression In Non-Classical Wars

Ekaterina V. Bakshutova
2021 unpublished
The article examines the concept of post-truth as a weapon in non-classical -information and hybridwars. These wars do not apply «traditional» weapons, but from this their consequences are no less destructive -the individual is deprived of empathy, and society as a whole is dehumanized. Post-truth ignores the values of humanity and relies on post-memory, which denies the real history in favor of the written one for the aims of education. This attitude considers history not only as the framework
more » ... of social regulations, but also as a process of history repetition. Modern times are full of infodemia that leads to aggressive behaviour. Post-truth is information that does not appeal to consciousness, but relates to emotions of people and social groups, and first of all, it provokes negative cognitive-emotional statesfrustration, resentment, fears, aggression. From a propaganda tool, post-truth turns into a daily discourse of social networks that support and reinforce negative phenomenology, as network communities are diffused, have a low level of group identity, and do not provide interpersonal mutual support. The author has developed a technology for script inclusion -the introduction of a peaceful text that distracts the debating participants from mutual offences.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2021.12.02.90 fatcat:5xrsi56hznf3dp3qrtw6qp3v4a