Clinical Significance of Lenticulostriate Vasculopathy

2016 ARC Journal of Pediatrics  
Lenticulostriate vasculopathy (LSV) is a common finding on routine cranial ultrasound examinations. However, the clinical meaning of LSV remains unclear, more than 3 decades after the first LSV was reported. This review examined the literature in an attempt to clarify the clinical significance of LSV and provide practical guidelines for daily practice. LSV has been linked to various etiologies including cytomegalovirus infection, which has been studied the most among all infections associated
more » ... th LSV. Infants with isolated LSV generally have normal neurodevelopment and a favorable long-term prognosis. However, various clinical conditions are associated with LSV. This paper also reviews the clinical correlations between LSV and associated disorders including neurodevelopment, neuropsychiatric disorders, and infantile basal ganglia stroke.
doi:10.20431/2455-5711.0201002 fatcat:vfdtjkjtxfcrvbwdu4lts67xae