Frontocutaneus Fistula Secondary to Pott's Puffy Tumor: A Rare Complication of Acute Sinusitis
Pott's Puffy Tümörüne Sekonder Gelişen Frontokutanöz Fistül: Akut Sinüzitin Nadir Bir Komplikasyonu

Tijen CEYLAN, Burak HAZIR, Muammer Melih ŞAHİN, Alper CEYLAN
2022 kulak burun boğaz ve baş boyun cerrahisi dergisi  
Pott's puffy tumor (PPT) was firstly described by Percival Pott in 1760. 1 With the increasing use of antibiotics, the frequency of this rare disease, which is mostly a complication of sinusitis, has decreased even more. The disease may rarely progress and a cutaneous fistula can be formed. 2 Although it is most common after acute sinusitis, it can also be seen after trauma, surgery, cocaine use, insect bite, mastoiditis or dental infections. 3 It can ocur due to hematogenous spread of the
more » ... tion or to direct extension of infection. It is more common in adolescence due to increased diploic vein flow rate. 4 It can lead to intracranial complications by direct spread with bone erosion or through diploic veins. 4 The patient may present with cranial complications, especially in patients who are treated inappropriately and the symptoms are not severe and ignored because of this. 5 CASE REPORT A 47-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with swelling of the forehead which had first appeared one week earlier, headache and erythematous ulcerated lesion on forehead skin. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy shows thick purulent discharge in the left middle meatus.
doi:10.24179/kbbbbc.2021-83948 fatcat:ho3pfvvchndjjkz2yyikkxdfbi