Process Model for Diverse Stakeholders Goals

Ip-Shing Fan, Conchin Albert
2002 Goal-Oriented Business-Process Modeling  
Projects to model business process are initiated for a variety of reasons. Some organisations initiate process modelling to solve particular problems. Other organisations make process modelling as part of their continuous improvement programme. The ISO9000:2000 standard for quality management effectively mandates a process management approach for any organisations that seek the certification. Any modelling is an abstraction of the real world. Business process modelling is the abstraction of the
more » ... organisation of activities in an organisation. Abstractions are influenced by the viewpoint of the modeller. The success of the modelling project is judged by how well the model satisfies the objectives of the modelling. From a business perspective, performance management provides the mechanism to set targets(key performance indicators, KPIs) for the different departments and individuals. Integrated approach to apply performance measures on business processes has been successfully applied in some organisations. An effective performance measurement system starts from the mission and vision of the organisation and designs the KPIs for each unit or process from this overall corporate goal.
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