Inheritance study for yield components of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Yunandra, M Syukur, A Maharijaya
2018 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
An inheritance study for yield components character of pepper was done in population derived from IPB C120 and IPB C5 crosses, i.e. F2, F1, first back crosses generation including the two parents. Broad-sense heritability was high for days to flowering, days to harvest, fruit weight, fruit length, fruits diameter, number of fruit per plant, yield; and medium for pedicel length and pericarp thickness. Narrow-sense heritability was high for days to harvest, fruit length; medium for days to
more » ... ng, fruit weight, pedicel length, fruit diameter, pericarp thickness; and low for number of fruit per plant and yield. The significant scaling test and joint scaling tests indicated the presence of epistasis gene actions. The additive-dominant models with the effect of additive-additive and additive-dominant interaction were fit for days to harvest character and fruit diameter. The additive-dominant models with the effect of additive-additive and dominant-dominant interaction were fit for pericarp thickness, number of fruit per plant and yield. The additive-dominant with influence of interaction additive-dominant and interaction dominant-dominant was fit for days to flowering, pedicel length and fruit length.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/196/1/012009 fatcat:6wrv5udlubc4divvsah33yguyy