Social Networks and Social Support in Health Promotion Programmes

Doncho Donev, Gordana Pavlekovic, Lijana Zaletel Kragelj
Social networks and social support are general terms to describe different aspects of social relationships, including those mechanisms, which may protect the individual from the negative effects of stress. The social support is offered by the part of the social network, the people around us, that are ready to help us, and on whose help we can always count. Those enjoying strong social ties appear to be at low risk of psychosocial and physical impairment, whereas a lack of social support has
more » ... found to be associated with depression, neurosis and even mortality. The availability of the emotional and practical social support varies with the social and economic status. Poverty can lead to social exclusion and isolation. The social cohesion - presence of mutual trust and respect in the local community and wider in society - helps protect the people and their health against the cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders. An expert in public health should recognize the role of social networks and social support in health promotion process and programs and support-enhancing interventions, and should also master the knowledge and skills for implementing the integral health promotion programmes.
doi:10.2390/biecoll-mhcp4-1.7 fatcat:dvjtrmizgffubeogrd3wpc4kiy