Gravitational waves induced by spinor fields

Kaixi Feng, Yun-Song Piao
2015 Physical Review D  
In realistic model-building, spinor fields with various masses are present. During inflation, spinor field may induce gravitational waves as a second order effect. In this paper, we calculate the contribution of single massive spinor field to the power spectrum of primordial gravitational wave by using retarded Green propagator. We find that the correction is scale-invariant and of order H^4/M_P^4 for arbitrary spinor mass m_ψ. Additionally, we also observe that when m_ψ≳ H, the dependence of correction on m_ψ/H is nontrivial.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.92.023535 fatcat:lkhsz65w6rgahjy4s6jzrrxkeu