Transition From A Microfinance Institution to Regulated Bank: Technology Infrastructure Planning in a Developing Country

Winston Tellis, Aaron Seymour
2002 Proceedings of the 2002 InSITE Conference   unpublished
In this paper, the authors describe the process of converting from a microfinance organization to a regulated bank in Haiti. The literature was helpful as far as some of the procedures were concerned, and the organization was able to use the recommendations. However the researchers found some major omissions in those recommendations as far as infrastructure was concerned. In some developing countries, it is impossible to install PCs because there is no electricity. Similarly network connections
more » ... and access to the Internet without telephone service would be impossible. A comparison is made between the recommendations and the realities of the environment in Haiti. Future implementations could benefit from the findings of the authors.
doi:10.28945/2582 fatcat:tilxt74a6jbzrl4p6ox7udv4ta