Against Advanced Modalizing [chapter]

Josh Parsons
2012 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science  
I discuss a problem for modal realism raised by John Divers and others. I argue that the problem is real enough but that Divers' "advanced modalising" solution is inadquate. The problem can only be solved by 1) holding that modal realism is only contingently true, 2) embracing a kind of Meinongianism about ontological commitment, or 3) abandoning the project of "analysing modality". * Special thanks to Dan Marshall, discussions with whom prompted me to write this paper. A number of the ideas of
more » ... this paper are derived from that discussion, and it is now hard to recall who came up with what. Thanks also to Ben Caplan, Dana Goswick, Hud Hudson, Ed Mares, my colleagues and students at the University of Otago, and the members of the UC Davis philosophy department modality reading group.
doi:10.1007/978-94-007-3983-3_11 fatcat:vkg4syenhjfy5mnepjyusqkk6m