Monitoring the Virulence Genes in Campylobacter coli Strains Isolated from Chicken Meat in Tehran, Iran

Maryam Kalantar, Mohammad-Mehdi Soltan Dallal, Fatemeh Fallah, Fatemeh Yektaei
Infection, Epidemiology and Medicine   unpublished
Campylobacter species are the main food-borne pathogens which could cause gastroenteritis in humans. Contaminated chicken products have been documented as the primary sources of Campylobacter transmission to human. This study was done to test raw chicken meat products retailed in local markets in Tehran, Iran for the presence of Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni species. Materials and methods: A total of 70 raw chicken meat samples were collected during a three-month study. All the
more » ... pylobacter species were identified by biochemical and species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These isolates were investigated further to examine their potential virulence factors. Results: Campylobacter spp. were detected in 56% of the isolates and identified as C. coli. The results indicated that all of the isolates were positive for cadF, cdtA, iam genes. On the other hand, none of the isolates were positive for flaA and pladA virulence genes. Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that Campylobacter species were common contaminants in chicken meat, which should be screened for the presence of virulence determinants and for their involvement in food-borne diseases.