Exploring Authentic Leadership In Relation To Job Satisfaction in Public and Private Sector Universities

Said Saeed
2018 International Journal of Experiential Learning & Case Studies  
The study aims to investigate the authentic leadership attributes (ALA) and its relationship with job satisfaction. The objectives of the study were to investigate the ALA of leaders and measure the relationship between ALA and job satisfaction at the university level. The population of the study was 6975 university leaders and teachers. The sample of the study was 967. The mixed method approach was used to collect information from the sample through a modif ied form of ALQ developed by
more » ... , Avolio, Gardener, Wernsing, & Peterson (2008) and interviews. The analysis was done with Mean, STD, Pearson's rank correlation and thematic analysis. It was found that the relationship between ALA and job satisfaction in private sector universities is higher than the public sector. It was also found that r value (.426) which was signif icant at .000 showed signif icant positive and average level correlations between ALA and job satisfaction at the university level. It is recommended that research studies may be conducted at primary, secondary and college level as these areas are in need of authentic leaders.
doi:10.22555/ijelcs.v3i2.2158 fatcat:jy7u62tu2fcffhgt3npglelmaa