JSL volume 19 issue 4 Cover and Front matter

1954 Journal of Symbolic Logic (JSL)  
The JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOCIC is the official organ of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Inc., published quarterly, in the months of March, June, September, and December. The JOURNAL is published for the Association by N.V. Erven P. Noordhoff, Publishers, Groningen, The Netherlands. The subscription price is five dollars annually, for current subscriptions. New subscriptions must begin with the first number of the current volume, as determined by the date of receipt of the subscription.
more » ... ted volumes are sold at six dollars. Members of the Association of three years standing may purchase back volumes of the JOURNAL at reduced rates for their personal use (except volume 1). Articles for publication in the JOURNAL should be sent to S. C. Kleene, North Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin or to Alice A. Lazerowitz,)! Langworthy Road, Northampton, Massachusetts. All manuscripts should be typewritten with wide margin and wide spacing between the lines, and the author should keep a complete copy; footnotes should be-numbered consecutively and should also be typed with wide margin and wide spacing (preferably on a separate sheet). If an article is of more than thirty-two (printed) pages in length, the editors reserve the right to divide it between two or more, not necessarily consecutive, numbers. Authors receive fifty reprints of each article, with covers, and additional reprints may be purchased if desired. Attention is called to the fact that the JOURNAL invites submission of (1) original technical papers in the field of symbolic logic, (2) expository papers in this field, (S) philosophical papers which bear upon this field or make use of its methods, and (4) studies in the history of logic in which modern technical developments are taken into account. Authors and publishers are requested to send, for review,
doi:10.1017/s0022481200086618 fatcat:ohslugs5djeqrcjwuxhc2wcehi