2A1-F09 Emergence of walking of a muscukoskeletal baby robot using hip external rotation
2A1-F09 筋骨格系赤ちゃんロボットの股関節外旋を利用した歩行創発

Yoichiro ISHII, Kenichi NARUOKA, Koh HOSODA
2009 The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  
Hip external rotation is supposed to play an important role iII the process of illfant walklng acquire 皿 ent . In this study , a Inusculoskeletal baby robot is developed and the relation between hip external rotat 三 〇 ll alld enlergence of walking ig . exa . mined . We verify that the robot w 三 th hip exterllal rotatioll goes forward only by a control Signal which moves foot up and dowll . The aHlount of forwamd movenlent approximately corresponds to the result of theoretical analysis using
more » ... etry modeL Key Words : pneumatic artificia 亜mllscles , baby rQb も, hip exterllal rotati n , injtial wa . lking
doi:10.1299/jsmermd.2009._2a1-f09_1 fatcat:mt6gbs7nsre3tkrgvcbyab2r3a