Mid-infrared photonic crystal waveguides in yttrium aluminium garnet crystal fabricated by femtosecond-laser writing and phosphoric acid etching

Jin-Man Lv, BinBin Hong, Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Javier Vazquez de Aldana, Guo Ping Wang
2019 Photonics Research  
We fabricated a three-dimensional microstructured optical waveguide (MOW) in a single-crystal using femtosecond-laser writing and phosphoric acid etching techniques, and observed excellent midinfrared waveguiding performance with low loss of ∼0.5 dB∕cm. Tracks with a periodic arrangement were written inside the yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) crystal via femtosecond laser inscription, and then etched by the phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ) to form hollow structures. The evolution of the microstructure
more » ... of tracks was investigated in detail. The function of the MOW was analyzed by different numerical methods, indicating the proposed MOW can effectively operate in quasi-single-mode pattern in the midinfrared wavelength range, which agrees well with our experiment results.
doi:10.1364/prj.380215 fatcat:qpxmqlxgt5cdloxjvp3cggzomi