Management of Complicated Crown-Root Fracture by Fragment Reattachment Using Fibre-Post: An Aesthetic Alternative

Dr. Reema Malik, Dr. Amit Raj, Dr. Rajul Vivek
2017 IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences  
The advances in adhesive dentistry have allowed dentists to use the patient's own fragment to restore the fractured tooth. The present case report describes management of a complicated fracture of maxillary right central incisor treated endodontically, followed by reattachment of the same fragment using fiber post. Reattachment of fractured tooth fragments offers a viable restorative alternative, immediately restores tooth function for the clinician because it restores tooth function and
more » ... cs with the use of a very conservative and cost-effective approach.
doi:10.9790/0853-160101159161 fatcat:p55zus4xafhmjmuohx2xmit4xu