Investigation of the Thermal Environment of the School Building Using the Campus Thermal Environment Observation System

Sara Mizoguchi, Takumi Hirose, Masashi Yoshida
2019 Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System  
In our laboratory, we are constructing a sensor network to observe the thermal environment in the university. The discomfort index is calculated from the temperature and humidity of each part of the university collected by this system, and the learning environment is investigated. We compared the differences in the thermal environment depending on the orientation of the observation site, and the fluctuations in the thermal environment between school days and holidays. The northeastern area,
more » ... e the sun hits longer than the southwest, is generally higher, and there are differences depending on the summer. The changes in temperature and humidity differed depending on the presence or absence of the air conditioner, and the discomfort index was affected. It was found that not only temperature but also humidity decreased at the same time by using air conditioner.
doi:10.24538/jhesp.43.0_5 fatcat:bhj6kcv3frecnkyabdjmo7rl5u