Experiential Learning of Information Systems in Functional Contexts: The Digital Brand Strategy Project

G. Shankaranarayanan, Operations and Information Management Division Babson College, Donna Stoddard, Ruth Gilleran, Lauren Skinner Beitelspacher, Sandra Bravo, Operations and Information Management Division Babson College, Operations and Information Management Division Babson College, Marketing Division Babson College, Marketing Division Babson College
2021 Communications of the Association for Information Systems  
Successful technology-based ventures and the notion that every company constitutes a "digital" company have driven increased interest in information technology even for students majoring in areas other than information systems. With the growing need for experiential learning, educators in business schools face challenges in identifying effective delivery mechanisms to impart theoretical foundations and practical applications in functional contexts that students find relevant. In this paper, we
more » ... escribe how we designed and implemented a project that fulfilled the above needs and integrated information systems and marketing. We describe the motivation for this project, its learning objectives, and its innovative design and implementation, and we provide an example of the project to illustrate its execution. While this project could be a standalone piece in an information systems course, we show it to be an effective way to communicate how one can apply information systems in a different functional context.
doi:10.17705/1cais.04902 fatcat:omccxp5t4va45ki434bqoj3nra