U B V I Time-series Photometry of the Old LMC Globular Cluster Reticlum

V. Ripepi
2007 Communications in Asteroseismology  
We present new U BV I CCD observations of the old LMC globular cluster RETICULUM. These data allowed us to re-determine periods and light curves and to identify 4 double mode RR Lyrae stars. A comparison with the theoretical instability strip in the M V − log P plane shows good agreement between theory and observations when an apparent distance modulus of (m − M )=18.45±0.12 mag (i.e.(m − M ) 0 =18.39±0.12 mag) is assumed.
doi:10.1553/cia145s23 fatcat:a5acrq34iraftdgs7qvanfuc7y