Gender Differences in Perceptions of Family Planning and Fertility Preferences in Northern Nigeria

Ryoko Sato
2021 Journal of Gynecology and Womens Health  
Objective: We evaluate differences between women and men regarding information level, perceptions, preferences around fertility, and family planning use using a primary data collection method. Methods: The study was conducted in Jada local government area of Adamawa state, the northeastern Nigeria among married women between 15 and 45 years or married men whose wives were between 15 and 45 years. We analyze the data to compare the differences in fertility preference and knowledge and preference
more » ... regarding family planning between women and men. Results: We find that married women prefer significantly fewer children than men. However, both men and women show high satisfaction with their spouses in terms of fertility choices. The level of understanding about family planning methods, as well as the intention to use family planning, was the same between women and men. Men qualitatively viewed women's use of family planning more favorably than women themselves did. Conclusion: Contrary to the findings from existing research, men's opposition to women's use of family planning is unlikely to be a major barrier to the demand for family planning among women in northern Nigeria. Gender Differences in Perceptions of Family Planning and Fertility Preferences in Northern Nigeria
doi:10.19080/jgwh.2021.20.556043 fatcat:yhzotn4hnvf33blsxnn2ftydty