S Ganapathy
In the manufacturing industries, the correct selection of manufacturing conditions is one of the most important aspects and it is considered here in the Turning process. The aim of this work is to optimize the process parameters for multi objective in the Turning process through Taguchi method and simulated annealing algorithm (SA). The experiments were conducted based on L9 taguchi orthogonal array. The experiments were carried out for different combination of process parameters like cutting
more » ... eed; feed, depth of cut and corresponding response variables material removal rate (MRR) and flank wear (FW) were measured. The results indicate that the depth of cut significantly affects the multiple performance characteristics. Simulated annealing is well known stochastic global optimization technique for obtaining high quality solutions to difficult optimization problems. From the experimental data, using MINITAB software, the mathematical model for the objective function has been developed. Simulated annealing algorithm is applied to obtain the optimal process parameter setting in turning process. A program has been developed in C++ to obtain the optimal process parameter settings for the required objective through simulated annealing algorithm. Introduction: The optimization of cutting parameter is the key component in planning of machining processes. The manufacturing processes are characterized by a multiplicity of dynamically interacting process variables. Optimization of machining parameter not only increases the utility for machining economics, but also the product quality to a great extent. However, deep analysis of cutting involves certain costs, particularly in case of small series. In case of individual machining it is particularly necessary to shorten as much as possible the procedure for determination of the optimum cutting parameters, otherwise the cost of analysis might exceed the economic efficiency which could be reached if working with optimum conditions. From optimization of the machine operations the quantitative methods have been developed with consideration of a single objective, such as minimization of cost or maximization of profit etc. For the process of the single objective optimization several different techniques have been proposed, such as the differential calculus, regression analysis, linear programming, geometric and stochastic programming, computer simulating. While most researches hitherto are based on the single-objective optimization, there have been some successful attempts also with the multi-objective optimization. In many real applications the process designers face on regular basis the problem of simultaneous optimization of several objectives. Those objectives are often conflicting and incomparable. The objective of this work to achieve high material removal rate (MRR) and low flank wear width (FWW) by setting process parameter at optimal level through Taguchi method worth multi performance characteristics and simulated annealing algorithms (SA). Taguchi method is a systematic application of design and analysis of experiments for the purpose of designing and improving product quality. Taguchi method is used to achieving high quality without increasing cost. The experiments were