
顺华 刘, 翔 卢, 丽温 谭, 丽红 谭, 美凤 覃
2020 实用医学研究  
揖摘 要铱随着现代医学技术的高速发展, 单一性别的女性护理队伍格局也随之改变, 男护 士逐渐登上了护理岗位的舞台。男护士面临着很多障碍, 因为对中国的人民群众来说, "男 护士" 还是一个崭新的词汇, 因为传统观念的影响、 社会舆论的压力以及家庭因素, 导致男 护士很难长期从事护理岗位, 更不会把护理职业作为人生的职业规划目标。如果医院缺乏 对男护士的长期培养以及优化晋升机制, 护理管理者的管理能力低下, 男护士的职业发展 得不到支持, 会导致其对职业的怠慢, 也会导致严重的离职倾向。因此, 如何更好地发挥男 护士的力量, 是对临床护理管理者提出的新的挑战。论文论述了男护士职业发展方向及规 划, 对男护士的管理进行了探讨, 以期为推动男护士的发展提供依据。 揖Abstract铱With the rapid development of modern medical technology, the pattern of female nursing team has changed, and male nurseshavegradually stepped onto thestage
more » ... f nursing posts, and male nurses are also facing many obstacles, because the people in China still have a brand new vocabulary, because the influence of traditional ideas and the pressure of public opinion, family factors, make it difficult for male nurses to engage in nursing posts for a long time, let alone take the nursing profession as a career planning goal in life, if the hospital lacks long-term training for male nurses. Therefore, how to give full play to the intelligence and strength of male nurses is also a new requirement for clinical nursing managers. 揖关键词铱男护士; 职业发展; 发展规划 揖Keywords铱male nurse; careerdevelopment; development planning 揖DOI铱10.36012/pmr.v2i1.1337 河池市人民医院 中国·广西 河池 547000
doi:10.36012/pmr.v2i1.1337 fatcat:h7k3h4gmbngqngxkjyvue5i2s4