Production ofZ0bosons with rapidity gaps: Exclusive photoproduction inγpandppcollisions and inclusive double diffractiveZ0's

A. Cisek, W. Schäfer, A. Szczurek
2009 Physical Review D  
We extend the k_-factorization formalism for exclusive photoproduction of vector mesons to the production of electroweak Z^0 bosons. Predictions for the gamma p → Z^0 p and p p → p p Z^0 reactions are given using an unintegrated gluon distribution tested against deep inelastic data. We present distributions in the Z^0 rapidity, transverse momentum of Z^0 as well as in relative azimuthal angle between outgoing protons. The contributions of different flavours are discussed. Absorption effects
more » ... r the cross section by a factor of 1.5-2, depending on the Z-boson rapidity. We also discuss the production of Z^0 bosons in central inclusive production. Here rapidity and (x_,1, x_,2) distributions of Z^0 are calculated. The corresponding cross section is about three orders of magnitude larger than that for the purely exclusive process.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.80.074013 fatcat:5jyulpfmfneyhj6uuflr4wanxu