Development of Fractal Pattern Making Application using L-System for Enhanced Machine Controller

Alexander A S Gunawan, Jimmy Linggarjati, Yandi Wijaya, Ford Lumban Gaol
2014 EPJ Web of Conferences  
One big issue facing the industry today is an automated machine lack of flexibility for customization because it is designed by the manufacturers based on certain standards. In this research, it is developed customized application software for CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) machines using open source platform. The application is enable us to create designs by means of fractal patterns using L-System, developed by turtle geometry interpretation and Python programming languages. The result
more » ... of the application is the G-Code of fractal pattern formed by the method of L-System. In the experiment on the CNC machine, the G-Code of fractal pattern which involving the branching structure has been able to run well.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20146800032 fatcat:jdewuadzqjfddoh2gdrexyrbkm