Rekonstruksi Sejarah Perlawanan Sultan Matangaji melalui Naskah Babad

Nurhata Nurhata
2020 Jurnal Tamaddun Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam  
There are many historical events in Cirebon that have not been revealed yet and it triggers some speculation. One of those events was about Cirebon history reigned by Sultan Sepuh V, named Sultan Matangaji. By using philology approach, this research contains the history reconstruction of Sultan Matangaji through Babad Manuscript or traditional historiography. Sultan Matangaji is the key character to go deeper into "Dark History" of Cirebon in the beginning of 19th century. In his fighting to
more » ... inst VOC, he pointed two warlords, Raden Welang and Raden Kertawijaya, to Batavia. This action is a turning point for Cirebon history in the next period. Based on colonial archive, it was noted that some positions were no longer under the authority of Sultan Cirebon, instead of a resident. Furthermore, Babad Manuscript also mentioned that Cirebon's authority was limited to 1000 pasagi.
doi:10.24235/tamaddun.v8i2.6858 fatcat:kfpfi3uwercgxaphtlewhhgb7i