Makrum Makrum
2016 MAGHZA Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur an dan Tafsir  
This paper is discusion the polygamy is still a controversial problem, although much discussed and examined. The difference of opinion among scholars make this problem continues to potentially raises the agree and disagree. Even though it has been regulated in Act Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage and the compilation of Islamic law (KHI), this does not necessarily make the problem of polygamy is complete. Not a few perpetrators of polygamy choose married under the hand or by sirri. This
more » ... rch uses qualitative approach by implementing thematic interpretation method (maudhu'i) to obtain a comprehensive understanding about polygamy in the Qur'an. The Data obtained through the study of a library research by sharing the data that comes from the various verse of the Qur'an, hadith, book fiqh, research results, books and the news in various media outlets in order to complete the interpretation of the verses of polygamy. Based on the results of this research it is known that the verses of the Qur'an gives a very tight restrictions for those who want to in polygamy. Justice that the conditions of polygamy is not only were quantitative but also qualitative research. In the context of historical-socio, the command of polygamy is intended as a form of the solution to avoid injustice to orphans women. Even if polygamy still want to do, should the husband marrying the widows who have lighten the orphan.
doi:10.24090/maghza.v1i2.739 fatcat:3udnksnr3rclhgt6yza4rwh3oy