HTML 5: Survey and Idea

Swati Agarwal, Swati Gera, Tanu Priya, Shiwangini Saurabh Verma, Swati Agarwal, Jyoti Women's,
International Journal of Innovative Computer Science & Engineering   unpublished
HTML is called the Hyper Text Markup Language that is main markup language for web pages. HTML5 is an updated version of HTML standard. The purpose of this paper is to serve as a current analysis of what is HTML5 on modern web browser. The older versions HTML, HTML4, XHTML CSS are now replaced with HTML5. HTML5 contain the new features that allow user's everything like animation, graphics and tag such as audio and video that is widely used in multimedia applications. HTML5 allow the user's to
more » ... ild complicated web applications and also supports cross-platform and ability to provide semantic content. HTML5 is an extended layer of standardized tags and attributes for graphic and visual effects that reduces the need for special plug-ins. HTML5 standard initiates the development of real-time collaborations in web Browsers, which leads to less work for web developers. [1]