Cigarette Smoking among Out-of-School Adolescents in Sokoto Metropolis, North-West Nigeria

Raji MO, Hauwau Muhammad, Usman AM, Muwafaq Umar, Oladigbolu RA, Kaoje AU
2017 Health Science Journal  
Many factors have been put forward for adolescents engagements in smoking; influence of peers, the need to conform, low self-esteem, need for approval, and family influences have been identified. Also, knowledge of health problems associated with smoking is a major reason for not smoking by never smoked adolescents. It is against this background that this study becomes relevant, also, coupled with the fact that no previous study on cigarette smoking has been conducted among out-of-school
more » ... ents in Sokoto. Methodology: The study was conducted among out-ofschool adolescents in sokoto metropolis. The study site consisted of the commercial motor-parks, central and other market sites as well as busy roads in sokoto metropolis where out of school adolescents frequent. A total of 213 study participants were recruited using a 2staged sampling technique and subsequently interviewed using an interviewer administered structured questionnaire. Data was entered and analysed with IBM version 21 statistical software package. Level of significance was set at 5% and all tests were conducted using 2 tails.
doi:10.21767/1791-809x.1000501 fatcat:6etdnbsy3nhchmrg2vw66mgm6m