β-cyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica as promising adsorbent for the trace amounts removal of aromatics from water
in English

I.M. Trofymchuk, N.V. Roik, L.A. Belyakova
2016 Himia Fizika ta Tehnologia Poverhni  
Aromatic compounds are organic contaminants in aqueous streams of various industries. Even at low concentration, benzene and its derivatives are toxic agents. Silicas are promising materials for benzene and phenol adsorption from water mixtures due to their unique physical and chemical properties. In this research, we realized sol-gel synthesis of β-cyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica using β-cyclodextrin-containing silane and tetraethyl orthosilicate as silica sources in the presence of ionic template
more » ... cetyltrimethylammonium bromide). β-Cyclodextrin-silane was prepared by modification of (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane with oligosaccharide activated by N,N'-carbonyldiimidazole. The successful incorporation of β-cyclodextrin moieties in silica is verified by means of FT-IR spectroscopy and quantitative chemical analysis. Obtained β-cyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica was characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and low-temperature adsorption-desorption of nitrogen. On the basis of analysis, β-cyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica is wellordered mesoporous material with high surface area (about 800 m 2 · g -1 ) and sufficient oligosaccharide group loading (up to 0.022 µmol · m -2 ). Adsorption of benzene and phenol from aqueous solutions on β-cyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica was studied as the function of time and equilibrium concentration. Greater specificity of aromatic compounds adsorption for βcyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica in comparison with MCM-41 was demonstrated. Moreover, the higher adsorption performance of β-cyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica towards benzene and their adsorptive affinity to phenol can be useful in the separation of aromatic compounds. The proposed synthesis approach may be applicable for obtaining of ordered β-cyclodextrin-containing functional materials with high affinity to aromatic compounds of suitable geometry for water treatment.
doi:10.15407/hftp07.04.421 fatcat:djvs77uoo5edfprzcbqyyhky4i