Dynamic Hand Gesture Classification Based on Multistatic Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures Using Convolutional Neural Network

Zhaoxi Chen, Gang Li, Francesco Fioranelli, Hugh Griffiths
2019 2019 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf)  
We propose a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) for dynamic hand gesture classification based on multistatic radar micro-Doppler signatures. The timefrequency spectrograms of micro-Doppler signatures at all the receiver antennas are adopted as the input to CNN, where data fusion of different receivers is carried out at an adjustable position. The optimal fusion position that achieves the highest classification accuracy is determined by a series of experiments. Experimental results on
more » ... red data show that 1) the accuracy of classification using multistatic radar is significantly higher than monostatic radar, and that 2) fusion at the middle of CNN achieves the best classification accuracy.
doi:10.1109/radar.2019.8835796 fatcat:khrv3ioanja2zksdqke43yhdzq