The Application of Cloud Computing in the Management of Digital Archives in Colleges and Universities

Yingle Yao
2017 Proceedings of the 2016 7th International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Medicine (EMCM 2016)   unpublished
Based on the demand of integration and sharing of digital archives resources, this paper analyzes the fit and advantage of cloud computing and digital archives resource management, and puts forward a new idea of sharing and sharing digital archives resources in the cloud computing technology that make full use of cloud computing, virtualization, cloud storage technology to achieve a shared high, high security, good scalability, suitable for standardization of the shared file sharing database;
more » ... nally, through experimental analysis of traditional platforms and cloud computing platform performance Which proves that the use of cloud computing technology can effectively improve the university archives resources management related work.
doi:10.2991/emcm-16.2017.165 fatcat:chnyy4k7mraavlmnaxyxwedl2m