Knowledge and Attitudes Related to Dental & Healthcare Ethics Among Dental Practitioners in Delhi, India: A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study

2019 ARC Journal of Dental Science  
There is a significant increase in research activities in Dental Health of India during recent decades but there is a little evidence of literature about the knowledge and attitudes related to dental and healthcare ethics among dental practitioners. The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge and attitudes of dental practitioners regarding dental and healthcare ethics. A cross sectional questionnaire survey consisting of 27 close ended questions were used to assess knowledge and
more » ... des in 500 dental practitioners. The resulting data were tabulated and statistically analysed. The results showed that 18% participants knew about Dental Act formulation year but 29% were aware that code was revised in 2014. 78% participants were aware that it was unethical for a dental surgeon to refuse a treatment because the patient was HIV positive. 82$ of dentists entertain patients' questions during their visits and 78% take informed consent in their practice. This study concludes that majority of dental practitioners were aware of dental and healthcare ethics but their usage and moral values need to be given attention. Although recommendations have been made in Dentist act and code of ethics to alter their behaviour but true improvement can be seen after changes in legislation and practice policies, also, the incorporation of an ethical practice curriculum in the initial period of training programmes would be advantageous.
doi:10.20431/2456-0030.0401004 fatcat:gdie7dhvcvd5lmpxrzjxchinke