Acoustic Wave Velocity Measurement on Piezoelectric Ceramics [chapter]

Toshio Ogawa
2013 Piezoelectric Materials and Devices - Practice and Applications  
Concrete experimental results are mentioned as follows. The Young's modulus (Y E ) of PZNT91/09 single crystals with giant k 31 (Y E =0.89x10 10 N/m 2 ) is one order of magnitude smaller than the Y E (6~9x10 10 N/m 2 ) of PZT ceramics, and roughly speaking, one order of magnitude larger than the Y E (0.05x10 10 N/m 2 ) of rubber [12] . It was thought that the origin
doi:10.5772/53117 fatcat:vutu6g6rhjc7lbmfuros2akvyi