Light dark matter candidates in intense laser pulses II: the relevance of the spin degrees of freedom

S. Villalba-Chávez, C. Müller
2016 Journal of High Energy Physics  
Optical searches assisted by the field of a laser pulse might allow for exploring a variety of not yet detected dark matter candidates such as hidden-photons and scalar minicharged particles. These hypothetical degrees of freedom may be understood as a natural consequence of extensions of the Standard Model incorporating a hidden U(1)-gauge sector. In this paper, we study the effects induced by both candidates on the propagation of a probe electromagnetic waves in the vacuum polarized by a long
more » ... laser pulse of moderate intensity, this way complementing our previous study [JHEP 06, 177 (2015)]. We describe how the absence of a spin in the scalar charged carriers modifies the photon-paraphoton oscillations as compared with a fermionic minicharge model. In particular, we find that the regime close to their lowest threshold mass might provide the most stringent upper limit for minicharged scalars. The pure-laser based experiment investigated here could allow 23for excluding a sector in the parameter space of the particles which has not been experimentally ruled out by setups driven by dipole magnets. We explain how the sign of the ellipticity and rotation of the polarization plane acquired by a probe photon--in combination with their dependencies on the pulse parameters--can be exploited to elucidate the quantum statistics of the charge carriers.
doi:10.1007/jhep02(2016)027 fatcat:u6d2eumrkjgtbick3m2pj5odv4