Qualitative Evaluation of Manufacturing Software Units Interoperability Using ISO 25000 Quality Model [chapter]

Henri Basson, Mourad Bouneffa, Michiko Matsuda, Adeel Ahmad, Dukki Chung, Eiji Arai
2016 Enterprise Interoperability VII  
In the context of development and evolution of hetergeneous industrial systems, the quality of interoperability among manufacturing software units is a major concern. Qualitative characteriscs of the interoperability such as reliability, functionality, performance, and security are necessary for the assurance of high quality of the developed manufacturing applications. The implemented interoperability among various software units of manufacturing applications often have various quality
more » ... Therefore, an adequate qualitative modeling is required to satisfy the qualitative evaluation of the interoperability. This paper presents the use of quality model developed in respect of quality standard ISO 25000 series as a means to permit the comprehensive evaluation of interoperability of the applications developed regarding the ISO 16100 standard series.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-30957-6_16 fatcat:wudl6dz7rvbirbbdetrh7tyo2q