Resistance Evaluation of Commmercial Tomato Cultivars against Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
토마토품종의 토마토황화잎말림바이러스병에 대한 저항성 평가

Sug-Ju Ko, Hyo-Jeong Kim, Jin-Hee Lee, Kyung-Cheol Ma, Duck-Soo Choi, Young-Hoon Park, Seung-Kook Choi, Mi Kyeong Kim, Hong-Soo Choi
2016 Research in Plant Disease  
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a viral disease causing severe economic losses on tomato. Practical prevention of the TYLCV disease is to control tabacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) or to cultivate TYLCV-resistant tomato cultivars, because no agrochemical products are available to control TYLCV. In this study, TYLCV resistance of the commercial tomato cultivars were evaluated using the DNA markers tightly linked to TYLCV resistance genes Ty-1 and Ty-3 and infection with the TYLCV clones
more » ... ediated by Agrobacterium. In marker genotyping, resistance alleles were detected from 4 oval type tomato cultivars (Titichal, TY tinny, TY saengsaeng II, TY sense Q). Four cheery type cultiavrs (TY endorphin, TY smartsama, Tiara TY, Olleh TY) and 6 round type cultivars (TY kingdom, TY ace, TY homerun, TY altorang, Dotaerang TY winner, Styx TY). The seedling bioassay indicated that tomato cultivars of the oval type and cherry type showed consistancy in marker genotype and phenotype while slight disease symptom was observed from some round type cultivras (TY ace, TY homerun, Styx TY) with resistance marker genotype. For fruit yields, TY tinny was greater than its control cultivar Titichal in oval types, TY smartsama was greater than its control Smile in cherry type, and TY ace and TY kingdom were greater than their control Dabok. These cutliavrs can be a good choice for high-yielding TYLCVresistant tomato cultivars.
doi:10.5423/rpd.2016.22.4.297 fatcat:5me7egwzq5bhfifhrsh4qafmuq