Anti-Corrosive Properties of Alkaloids on Metals [chapter]

Hui-Jing Li, Weiwei Zhang, Yan-Chao Wu
2018 Alkaloids [Working Title]  
Numerous organic inhibitors have been reported to be used for the corrosion inhibition of various metals, especially, the heterogeneous ring compounds bearing larger electronegativity atoms (i.e., N, O, S, and P), polar functional groups, and conjugated double bonds are the most effective inhibitors. Based on the concept of green chemistry, in recent years, the research of corrosion inhibitor has gradually extracted new environment-friendly corrosion inhibitor from natural animals and plants,
more » ... cause of its advantages in wide source, low cost, low toxicity and subsequent treatment. Alkaloids such as papaverine, strychnine, quinine, nicotine, etc., have been studied as inhibitors for metals corrosion in corrosive media. This chapter aims to review the application of alkaloids for the corrosion inhibition of metals in corrosive media, and the development trend in this field is prospected.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.81749 fatcat:gwobybdoy5b65hnigs3edz6rjq