Planting Date and Plant Density Effects on Protein and Oil Contents of Soybean Varieties under the Environmental Condition of Peshawar, Pakistan

Amir Zaman Khan ., M. Akhtar ., R. Ahmad ., N. Ahmad ., P. Shah .
2001 Journal of Biological Sciences  
Protein and oil contents of soybean varieties were significantly affected by planting date and plant density. Late planted crop gave more protein content than early planted crop, while an inverse relationship was found for oil content. Lower plant density of 200 thousand plants haG 1 gave significantly more protein content than higher plant densities of 400 and 600 thousand plants haG 1 and the same response was observed for oil content but the difference among the plant densities did not reach
more » ... the 5% significance level. Epps produced more protein and oil contents than William-82. There was no effect of plant density on Oil concentration in seeds of William -82, however Oil concentration in seeds of Epps decreased with increase in plant density, indicating differential response of Oil concentration in seeds of the two soybean varieties.
doi:10.3923/jbs.2001.126.128 fatcat:qdh7obdoozdyfe323wb54bx57m